The title explained a lot about this experiment..
The experiment was a fractional distillation experiment.. We were trying to distill an azeotropic solution.. For sure the result will also be an azeotrope.. This was my first time conducting a fractional distillation experiment..
At 9:00 am in the morning, my heart was beating hard.. I was so nervous about the experiment.. The fact is, i was always nervous before a chemistry lab sessions..
We were required to team up and distill an azeotropic solution.. The preparation of the solution involve a really concentrated acid.. 50mL of 12 Molar Hydrochloric acid... The boys poured the concentrated acid into the distilling flask in the fume chamber and i just watch from distance.. At first we were 3 in a group.. suddenly, we (my group of 3 persons) were required to hand over our apparatus to a group from T1.. What?? now, how can i an azeotrope? Then, our group split up with our own directions.. I joined a group consists of 3 boys which were Musab, Syamin, and Hariz.. Dang!, i am the only girl...
At first, we begin our experiment normally, like others did... While waiting for the vapour to reach a constant temperature, we prepared 20mL NaOH solution 0.2M with 3 drops of methylene red solution.. Suddenly, Syamin noticed something.. There was something wrong with the flame of our Bunsen burner.. We called the demonstrator and lab assistant for assistance.. Then, the lab assistance tried to fix the Bunsen burner.. Later after replacing the tube of the Bunsen burner, the flame was fine again.. We continue our heating process..
It seemed like forever to wait for the solution to reach its boiling point... In the mean time, the boys took several pictures.. They were so funny.. Making a serious pose of checking the temperature of the vapour, posing beside the apparatus, and many more.. After a moment that seemed like forever, the temperature finally reach 109 degree Celsius, the boiling point.. We started to collect the distilled azeotrope.. While waiting for the conical flask collecting the distilled azeotrope reach 30mL, we did other things such as filling our jotter book..
Then, the second episode of terror started.. Once again, Syamin saw something unusual about the fire.. When he checked, he saw there were two flames at the Bunsen burner.. One from the chimney, which where the flame supposed to came from, and the other one from the gas inlet.. We were terrified.. Quickly, we turned off the gas.. We called for assistance once again.. This time, even the lecturer in charge also went to our bench to solve our problem... We were giving up since we were running out of time.. The boys begged our demonstrator to allow us to share our readings since the azoetrope collected was only enough for one dilution... Unfortunately, Miss Wan did not allow us to do so even the lecturer in charge, Dr Faridah also did not allow us to share readings...
We were forced to carry on our distillation at another bench where the Bunsen burner there was guaranteed free from problems.. While Syamin was setting up the distilling apparatus, me and Musab prepared the burette with the diluted azeotrope. Then, Musab started titrating.. He titrated confidently... The yellow coloured NaOH started to change in colour, but then it turned back to yellow.. Suddenly, after several drops, the solution turned straight to pink colour instead of orange.. That means, he had exceeded the end point.. Musab!! you had wasted our limited azeotrope!!! Next, Syamin tried his luck.. His titration also turned pink.. Later, the same result also made by Hariz.. Haha you guys love to waste our limited azeotrope huh?.. The rest of the azeotrope was used by Musab and Hariz, leaving me and Syamin without any readings yet.. waiting for the azotrope from the distillatin process at the other bench..
45 minuts to 12 pm, the distillation process in the other bench succeeded.. Finally.. Miss wan had been a little bit mad.. we were behind the schedule... Syamin quickly dilute the azeotrope and I prepared my burette.. When i was trying to rinse the burette with a little amount of azeotrope, i realised that it was stuck!! Dang!! I had to rinse another one and i have to make it quick.. I asked for the burette of other group which have been filled with azeotrope.. so i will not have to rinse it.. I emptied the burette and filled it with my azeotrope.. Mine and Syamin's actually..
When beginning my titration, it was 30 minutes to the end of lab session.. I realised that i have to be precise.. No room for exceeding the end point... Amazingly, my titrations worked out well.. Alhamdulillah.. All three NaOH turned to orange beautifully.. No pink colour solution.. Alhamdulillah.. This was the first time i titrate something accurately.. A historical moment.. I guess it is true that pressure can make someone better..
10 minutes to 12, i submit my data to Miss Wan.. Yeah!! i did it!! Alhamdulillah.. It was the most troublesome but yet, satisfying since i had a wonderful experience.. This was the first time i eave the lab when it was nearly empty.. While we were cleaning up our apparatus Syamin said "Rilek la Fatin, untuk pengetahun kau, kitorang ni memang selalu lambat, sebab tu Miss asyik attack kitorang.."
Oh, no wonder.. I never been the last during chemistry lab, but physics, i enjoy being among the last person leaving the lab as long as my report is completed..
Actually, this is not the last chemistry experiment, Group T will undergo another experiment next week.. I "can't wait"