As an introduction i would like let you guys know about one of the courses that i am taking, the SJEM2250: Probability and Statistics II.. The course was divided into two parts that is actually related but being taught by two different lecturers. The first one part was taught by Prof Hadi, AHY while the second part was taught by Dr Khang, KTF..
Yesterday, i was revising in AHY's part, since KTF's part have been revised recently because of the Test 2. I was redoing my tutorials and i realised that AHY part is actually very different from KTF's part.
This is becuse, AHY's part contains a lot of computational question. So, for math students at my level, it is heaven.. It just like:
Teach me the tools needed, give me question and i solve it for youSo, the progress of redoing my tutorials went smoothly.. Just routine calculations, and i'm done with one tutorial, another one, and so on..
But, on the other hand, it is taking quite some time to progress with KTF's tutorials because it require a much deeper thinking.. I need to take some time to ponder.. We cannnot just apply whatever tools that have been taught, because so many tools being thought for different kind of situations. Then, we need to read the question carefully, analyse the situation, and decide which tool to be used.
And after that, i crossed my mind that if the students of SJEM2250 were fishes, then they are in the water when facing AHY's part. They can swim happily in their comfort zone. But when facing KTF's part, they are in the mud.. In mud, fishes may still be alive, but they need to struggle..
Struggle with all their might in other to keep on living..Well my Mr Shamsulikram, my high school chemistry teacher once said:
If you can survive in the worst condition (i.e surviving outside your comfort zone) then, you can survive anywhere..
Till then,
Live brave, be bold.
I'll be back with procratination act 002.. real soon.. (hehe copying mark crilley)