Friday, April 8, 2011

Spencer Reid @ 8tv

Lamanna x post ape2.. Entry kali ni bersempena dengan tamatnya siri Criminal Minds season5 kat 8tv... Hehehe.. Spencer mengalami masalah rambut... A few episode earlier, in which had Eric Cloce played as Matt Spicer, he had his cut to short... On the next episode, his hair is long again.. Then, a few episodes after that, his hair is short again n it was the episode where Hotch asked him whether he joined a boy band or what... Then, the next episode, which on aired last monday, his hair became long again... Hehehe such a special boy..

Tapi, yang peliknye, kenapa episode Criminal Minds yang sepatutnya jadi final episode untuk season 5(yang ada Matt Spicer) ke udara awal??? Yaya yang tak tau apa2 ni, layan je tengok cite yang bersambung tu.. Then, minggu depannya, episode lain pulak. Whats up??? Apa jadi kat Matt? is he dead?.. Watak Matt ni sungguh menarik minat Yaya coz Eric Close pernah memainkan watak Michael Wiseman dalam cerita Now n Again yang Yaya tonton masa Yaya sekolah rendah dulu.. X tau apa jadi pd cite tu, yang Yaya tau, episode last dia yang Yaya tengok, Mr Wiseman lompat bangunan sebab nak tangkap apa entah.. Back to the main point.. So, Yaya tanya pak cik google, n finally, the fog had been cleared.. Yes Matt died because of the bullet...

Pd pndpt Yaya, pihak 8tv dah ter-swap- episode last dgn episode pasal choking game, sebab tu la Reid mengalami severe hair problem... Poor Reid, watak2 lain x banyak beza sangat..

Lastly, sape sangka, budak yang kelihatan sungguh nerd pd episode 1 season 1, tampak sungguh kacak dengan rambut boy band.. X caye, google gmbar die.. Berbeza sungguh.. Tp, Reid, boy band hair or not, i'm still a fan of yours... CM season 6, x tau bila nak on air di 8tv.. Tp, dia akan on air di channel Fox, bersama-sama Lie To Me... Buat sesiapa yang ada ASTRO.. Yaya? maaf, xde ASTRO la... Sabar ye Yaya...

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