Sunday, March 18, 2012

I Need To Decide Now!!!

I have to make up my mind.. I am having second thoughts about my first degree... I am divided between my passion to Mathematics, Physics, Biology and Chemistry... It is hard to decide!!! If i choose one, i'll be completely leaving the others for forever, and forever is a long time... 

What Dr Fadzilah said on Friday really touch me...
"Whatever you get for your degree program, just accept it.. No matter you like it or not.. Love towards the program can come later.. Just accept it... "
However, for those who haven't decide their choice, what would they do? The day for the University of Malaya choose the 40% of PASUM students is coming, but i don't know what to choose yet..

I love mathematics, but i love physics too.. Sometimes Biology fascinates me... Chemistry.... Organic chemistry limits my passion towards the subject, but i still have passion towards physical chemistry...... 

I am torn apart... I've filled my UPU, but the decision isn't final yet... I still have 3 chance for any updates.. I cannot decide... 

"Ya Allah, bantulah aku dalam membuat pilihan, ilhamkanlah kepadaku, jalan yang terbaik buat diri ini.. Aku hamba-Mu yang jahil.. Aku tidak tahu apa yang terbaik buatku, Ya Allah... Aku bimbang keputusan yang bakal aku buat akan melukai orang di sekelilingku.. Aku tak berdaya Ya Allah.. Bantulah aku, bimbinglah aku... Amin Ya Rabb al-Alamin.."
Till Then..
Undecided me..
Live Brave, Be Bold...

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