Just now, i was tidying up my papers, i found the draft of the poem... So i would like to share it with all of you...
Additional Mathematics,
Are u as easy as a click,
Do u become easier as we speak,
You are the one i seek,
you are the one i need.
Since i ever heard of u,
i become afraid of u
but when i know u,
u attract me out of the blue.
with u, although it hard to be right,
i try my best not to be out of sight,
with mr zahrin to show the light,
and practices at night
now i shall see the light.
and it is so bright...
Are u as easy as a click,
Do u become easier as we speak,
You are the one i seek,
you are the one i need.
Since i ever heard of u,
i become afraid of u
but when i know u,
u attract me out of the blue.
with u, although it hard to be right,
i try my best not to be out of sight,
with mr zahrin to show the light,
and practices at night
now i shall see the light.
and it is so bright...
Don't laugh at my piece of work... but this is how i truly feel about addmath. i really love the subject coz it felt so good when we solve the question correctly...
akak, saye injam akak punyer poem utk paste pada reflections add math's project. bleh x?
it seem too cool, mesti cikgu saya senyum2 baca....
saya pun nk pinjam poem akak untuk add math project ye?
terima kasih..
P/S: poem akak memang best ..^^
Amik la poem ni, x kisah pun.. Tapi seriously, mathematics is awesome.. Tunggu la nanti, dah belajar di peringkat yg lebih tinggi.. akak kat pasum ni pun dah mula cakap, "boleh ek camtu?"
In mathematics, everything possible
kalaulah Cikgu Zahrin baca...
mesti dia bangga .
memang Cikgu Zahrin yang tanda add math project tersebut pun...
Borrow ea....sbb trlalu best laa~~hikhikhik
akaq saye borrow yup...
thanx~ >,<
kak nak borrow jagak tau~ thankyou!! best!!
interesting and sweet poem. i wanna get it for my addmath project. :)
salam.. akak nk borow ek.. bez gak poem ni.. <3
pakak, saya pinjam poem akak untuk project add math saya eh ? thanks :)
kak saya nak pinjam poem ni boleh
akak, saye pakai k poem ni :)
tak dapat nak balas dengan ape dah..
i always pray for all ur success and selalu diberkati ^^
akak, sorry tau ambik poem ni :3
thanks and i always pray for all ur success and semoga selalu diberkati ^^
Salam, saya pinjam poem ni untuk project addmaths. hehehe thank you ^^
assalamualaikum akak ;)
saya pinjam poem ni utk add maths project.. syukran !
Assalamu'alaikum kak , saya pun nak mintak izin pinjam poem ni ya :) terima kasih .
assalamualaikum. saya nk mintak izin pinjam poem ni untuk projek addmath. terima kasih. semoga hidup diberkati Allah :)
Assalamualaikum. Mntak izin nak gunakan poem ni utk projek addmath. Tq banyak2
Assalamualaikum. Mntak izin nak gunakan poem ni utk projek addmath. Tq banyak2
Gunalah poem ni..Ni la salah satu cara nak sebarkan passion dalam math.. Math is Awesome!!!
Assalamualaikum.. sy pon nk pnjm poem dlm projek add mth yaaa..
Assalamualaikum, I took your beautiful poem yeah for my 2015 add maths work project. Thank you, may Allah bless you. Have a nice day ahead! ☺
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