Monday, January 30, 2012

Yaya's Wasted Holiday

A week of holiday..I think i have been wasting my time completely for the whole week.. I barely complete my tutorials, and the past years questions.. However, i proudly say that i have grasped the Organic Chemistry.. Ask me anything, i'll know definitely what you are talking about.. No more blurred Yaya during Organic Chemistry Lecture and tutorial...
Anyway, I don't know what would happen to me.. How would i seat for my mid semester exam(luckily it is two week later) 
I cannot imagine how would i face the day of tomorrow, two tests... I haven't yet complete my readings.. The laboratory report, i haven't yet write a thing.. This is going to be a rough week...

I read a book recently at which it said that we have to
See the scene before we make the scene
I am going to practice this technique for tomorrow.. I hope everything will work out just fine.. I am going to create the scene in my mind.. Just like imagining what would happen tomorrow... WIsh Me Luck

Got to go, it is pass midnight already..
.Till Then.
>See The Scene Before You Make The Scene<
Live Brave Be Bold..

P/s.. I watched BoBoiBoy this evening and it was the episode in which Probe blushed when Adudu compliment him for his creativity in designing the "cecair emosi X" Hehe.. blushed probe is so cute...

1 comment:

syafiqahhh said...

I'm already follows you..can you follows me back...
I really hoe it....