Friday, December 2, 2011

Live With It

We cannot have all the things that we want while living our life.. Although the things that being set for us, the timetable for the second semester for instance, did not favour us, we still have to live with it..

The purpose of this post is to voice out the unsatisfactory that i kept in my heart.. I am so UNSATISFIED with the timetable that have been released earlier today.. Not much have been changed, but the not-so-much-thingy is affecting my whole week as Asasian... The whole week means the whole semester in my second chapter of PASUM-life...
The source of unsatisfactory is the fact that i have a biology tutorial on MONDAY!!! For those who do not know, every biology tutorial will be started with a test.. The marks will contribute 10% to my cgpa... quite a lot right...
At first, i am wondering, how would i ever study bio while i am enjoying my holiday... The wondering made me unable to focus on the lecture, which somehow was a biology lecture...
Then, i have some moment alone in my room(my roommate was not around.. She went out..).. I rationalize my thoughts.. There must be something hidden behind the timetable that has been fixed...
Rationally, there are some benefits with that kind of timetable..

  1. Semester 2 have a lot of holiday on Monday.. So the test will have to be delayed( I don't know whether this is an advantage or not.. I don't think so since the suffer will be longer..)
  2. I will not have to spend one night to study for the test since i will be studying it at home and this will allow me to do something else
  3. I'll cut off my TV time on Sunday so that i'll study

I keep telling myself that i am very lucky.. If i were to compare my T-group's situation, the N-group's situation is a lot harder.. Their biology tutorial last semester was on Monday, the very first hour of the day.. Mine is the last hour of the day.. So, i guess, i am quite lucky despite the fact that on certain week, my biology test will be held on the same day the Statistics' test being held... But that thing is not yet to be worried...
Right now, i have to focus on studying for the coming test..
Wish me luck folks..

Word of wisdom from me:
The world is spinning as it is.. And we have bear in our mind that we are not the only one living on Earth.. The world is not revolving around you although in your life, you are the main character of the play... There are others that need to be considered.. The order of the world has been set to be fair.. Bear in mind, life is just like a wheel, sometimes, we are at the top, the other day, we will be at the bottom..

Till Then,
You sacrificed, you shall have the success..
Live Brave Be Bold

Coming Soon: Second Semester Timetable

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