Friday, December 30, 2011

He Speaks The "language" of Mine

Gempak tak title post ni.. hehe, Yaya nak amik kesempatan ni nak habaq mai pada semua pasal lecturer Yaya yg dikenali sebagai Mr Z..

The letter Z really reminds me of Mr Zahrin.. Unfortunately, his name is Zahurin... He replaced Dr Ghapor for 2 weeks since Dr Ghapor has a conference overseas to attend... His topic is INTEGRATION!

Pada mulanya, sebelum Mr Z masuk dewan kuliah buat kali pertama, sesuatu terlintas di fikiran Yaya
Macam mana la Encik Zahurin ni... Mesti aku rindu lecture Dr Ghapor nanti
Lepas tu bila Mr Z masuk dewan dan bg lecture, Yaya mesti akui yg dia x macam lecturer... 
First time bg lecture, dia dah lari turun naik tangga auditorium tu.. Pastu, dia melompat naik dan turun pentas yg tingginya, hampir separuh ketinggian Yaya...

But the part that make me feel like he speaks the language of mine is when he said
Lecture saya korang kena salin.. Tapi x payah salin semua la, ada certain jer yg kena salin... Slaid dgn lambang UCHIHA
What?? Uchiha? My ears are fooling me? Nope, he really said Uchiha.. He watched Naruto? What? A lecturer watched Naruto? Is he really a lecturer? I never expect a lecturer to watch such anime..

Later, during lecture, he used a mic stand as a pointer.. He also said,
Saya patut beli satu benda ni dan bawak kat belakang(mcm pedang..) Macam ape.. Ape namenya, zanpak.. zan ape? Ala, cerita Bleach tu..
Zanpakutou? He even aware of the existence of Bleach? What a lecturer... 
Dia gak cakap yg dia benci pentas auditorium 
Sy benci betul pentas dewan ni. I prefer ADK 1.. Pentas ni menghalang pergerakan saya.. Xpe, sy anggap ini sebagai exercise untuk saya meningkatkan CHAKURA saya..
Hahaha.. He said Chakura... Guess what makes things even funnier, the person besides me who was also laughing asked me
Chakura tu ape?
Okay, mungkin ada yg x tau, Chakura tu ialah sejenis punce kuasa dlm cerita Naruto.. Chakura ialah asas kepada ninjutsu... Punca chakura ialah gabungan antara tenaga jasmani dan rohani...

I found his lectures to be not sleep inducing, but filled with laughter.. This is really a good news.. 
Just now, during his lecture, when he found out that we are not really paying attention(i don't know about others, but ia am NOT paying attention because i am busy copying the notes from wani's note since i missed the slaid with Uchiha symbol) to him when he was telling his tales he said,
Korang dengar x apa yang saya cakap ni.. Ke korang guna Ino punya jutsu yang boleh pindahkan roh tu.. Roh korang dah ada kat depan ni ek(hitting the stage) Woi keluar, keluar..
We burst into laughter... He even act how would one be if he were to use such  jutsu.. He really watch naruto..
Yaya perasan yg dia suka buat aksi yg ANBU buat bila menghadap hokage atau ketua ANBU.. Sampaikan, dia cakap yg kalau dia panggil kitorang ke depan, dia nak ktorang berlari ke depan dan menghadap dia the exact way the ANBU i doing... Yaya tertanya-tanya, dia ada x tatu ANBU kat bahu dia...

Minggu lepas, dia kesian kat kitorang sebab topic jadi makin susah, dia suruh kitorang bantu dia untuk mengfahamkan kitorang.. Dia suruh kitorang angkat tangan dan bagi aura kitorang pada dia.. Pastu, bila kitorang dah buat, dia cakap,
dah macam cerita dragon ball pulak.. 
Haha, i saw that coming!! Yea! Mr Z nak buat "bola semangat" dgn aura2 tu.. Bg yg x tau, bola semangat tu salah satu teknik goku.. Dia kumpulkan aura2 hidupan lain utk bg serangan yg ultimate pd musuhnya...
He really into Naruto.. sometimes, i wonder, what would it be if he had the fake Madara's Sharingan, will he be teleporting himself all over the lecture hall? i bet he would...
I don't know what else to say... Such an unexpected lecturer..

Sometimes, when he is serious, he told us about academic stuff, the history of mathematics, and many more.. really inspiring and motivating...

Till Then,
Higher education will not limits us from attached to manga...
Live Brave, Be Bold

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