Friday, September 30, 2011

Physics Practical: The Darkest Experiment

It was the darkest one.. The one filled with hatred.. The one that was painful.. The one with the most frustrations... The coldest one... The one that tortured me the most... The life-threatening one..
Everything that i have stated described the experiment... except the hatred part of course... How can physics lab session be filled with hatred.. It is impossible..
Back to the experiment, the was designed to determine the focal length of a concave lens with two different methods.

I said that it was the darkest because the experiment was conducted in the dark room(bilik gelap).. It was dark... Really dark.. Pitch black. I can see nothing.. seeing something with my eyes wide open and tightly closed produce the same image.. Dark.. The name of the room explains everything about the nature of the room. Dark.. Can you imagine how dark it was from the way i repeat the word dark? imagine it yourself..

Conducting the experiment for one and a half hour was the most stressful one and a half hour that i have gone through in the physics lab.. It was dark, and the light of the bulb is so bright until it hurt my eyes.. In a simpler word, it was the brightest dark experiment i have ever done.

The darkness made it hard to take the readings on the scale of the ruler.. That was the thing that tortured me.. My eyes were in pain.. my eye lens become thinner in order to allow more light to enter the eye so that i can see in the pitch black situation.

It was life threatening one because we were not being thought to use the ___ actually, i don't know what it's name.. I think it was the more modern power supply compared to the one in SMKSP.. It was labeled there that the voltage must not exceed 6 volt.. When we switch on the power, i observed the meter, it showed 4.. It fine then.. After 30 minutes conducting the experiment, i smell something.. I know it was coming from the bulb since the bulb had become hotter and hotter.. So, i checked the power supply, the meter still didn't change.. When i observed closer, i realised that the meter was the current indicator.. The voltage reading was the digital numbers on the left.. It shoes 13.67.. that was way too high... The bulb was counting the moment to explode, and me, as the one that was the nearest to the bulb will be affected the most.. Luckily, nobody injured.. Alhamdulillah..

As for this session, i tried my best to be early.. But still, i can't make it come true.. The discussions demand a lot more than what the manual wanted us to write.. The manual asked us to find the average focal length, but the demonstrator told us that we need to find the average deviation also.. The calculation for average deviation is not hard, it just so long and need to be extra careful while punching in the numbers in the calculator since the equation involve modulus or absolute value.. Luckily, a teammate of mine had a scientific calculator that can calculate absolute values easily.. I called her "encik kalkulator ada modulus".. Her name is Syazwani.. Not wani my roommate, but wani my tutorial-mate..

After submitting the report, we all return to the college, but before that, i shake hand with the demonstrators and thanked them for demonstrating for the whole semester.. I'll really miss Physics Lab sessions.. Oh, i almost forgot to mention that during the lab session, Dr Azizan was there.. Usually, I didn't notice him, but that day, i noticed him...

Next, Chemistry Lab: Troublesome but Satisfying

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