Sunday, October 2, 2011

Good Luck

Next week will be an important week..
At this moment, i would like to wish good luck to all PMR candidates who will seat for their PMR examination next Tuesday..
Tips for the examination:
  1. Early to bed so that you'll rise and shine early
  2. Prepare the stuff needed during exam
  3. Get your family's blessings especially your parents
  4. Review your notes the night before exam
  5. Start your journey to school with prayers
  6. Don't forget to have your breakfast
  7. Don't eat to much until you fall ill
  8. You Identity card and your examination slip
  9. Leave all your notes and books outside the examination hall
  10. Don't ever try to cheat during the examination
I have something to say about cheating in examinations... I'll have to write it in Malay... Hehe, i just missed to write in Malay so much...

Menipu dalam exam memang x dapat diterima... Mungkin korang rasa takpe meniru, asalkan x tertangkap.. Persoalannya, korang ada byakugan(mata puak Hyuuga) ke nak identify kat mana encik pengawas tu masa korang melakukan kerja terkutk tu? Kalau nak meniru, paling bagus guna cara Gaara.. Hubungkan mata korang dengan pasir yang korang kawal, then ushar la org lain punya kertas.. Nak tgk sekolah lain punya pun boleh.. Persoalannya korang boleh ke buat camtu?
Ingatlah, exam PMR ni, walaupun x bermakna sgt, tp dia tetap effect masa depan korang utk jangka masa panjang.. PMR ni akan menentukan sama ada korang bleh masuk aliran mana... Keberkatan tak akan ada dlm result PMR korang kalau korang meniru.. Keputusan tu x valid.. Nanti kalau korang dpt masuk mana2 aliran, takut2 pelajaran tu x diberkati..
Lebih teruk lagi kalau korang addicted to cheat.. Dah menjadi kebiasaan meniru, SPM nanti pun korang nak melakukan kerja terkutuk tu.. Dapat result yg gempak, tapi bukan hasil usaha diri sendiri belajar, tp usaha org lain.. Bayangkan, korang dapat further study dgn result yg gempak tu.. Adakah ia diberkati? Nanti, korang cari kerja, adakah kerja tu diberkati.. Gaji, korang nak bg kat family, anak, isteri atau suami makan guna duit tu.
Apa pendapat korang? meniru memang jalan pintas, itu pun kalau x terkantoi.. Keseronokan meniru tu hanya sementara, cuba fikir long-term effect perbuatan tu.. Nak ke korbankan masa depan semata-mata utk keputusan yg gempak?
Mungkin nasihat ni dah terlewat, sebab korang x sempat nak start study.. Tp fikir2kan sblm bertindak.. Ingat masa depan..

Before i end this entry, I also wanted to wish good luck to all Asasian, well, next week is the week of Algebra and calculus tests.. Besides, we also going to have our FB01111 speaking test on next week or to be precise, it is tomorrow for me.. This one will be exactly like MUET speaking test just that we will be grouped according to our tutorial group> During MUET later, all of us will be mixed together.. the Hayat will be mixed with the Fizikal and Alam Bina..

You will have butterflies in your stomach.. You will feel like crying, but never.. I repeat, dont you ever break.. Live Brave dude.. Let the forces be with you.. Keep the memories and sacrifices of your parents in your mind.. Do the best for them.. Make the examination as a way for you to prove to them that you can do anything.. Just like what Steve from Blue's Clues said,
"You can do anything, that you wanna do"
So i wish may you have the best of luck on your examination and test.. You have been prepared for this... Believe yourself that you can do it.. Lastly, i hope you will be in the pink of health.. During my PMR, i was ill.. Having a fever will never be good.. It was hard to concentrate back then, especially the evening papers.. My head was killing me..

Till then,
Good luck, Live Brave, Be Bold..
May the force be with you..

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