Friday, November 11, 2011

T.. T... Tag... Tagged...

I've been tagged.. 

There are a few simple rules in this tag thing which are (simple but a lot of them):

First: blogger that being tagged by other person must post the rules.
Second : express 11 things about themselves in their own blog
Third : answer all the question that tagger ask you. (honestly!)
Forth : Inform the person that you tagged
Next : Do not tag me back. (AVOID DO THE SAME THING TWICE!)
Lastly : There's no stuff in the tagging session that "YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU ARE READING THIS" YOU LEGITIMATELY (aka really trust with all honesty) HAVE TAGGED 11 PEOPLE.

11 things about me:

  1. I love living my life
  2. I have wonderful family and friends
  3. I am a Malay and a Muslim and i am very proud of that fact
  4. I have 5 siblings, 3 girls and 2 boys.. The boys being the opening and ending
  5. I don't have facebook and i am glad of it
  6. I love to read, but i don't have the time to do so
  7. I love Backstreet Boys, Lee DeWyze, Jason Mraz, New Kids On The Block, and NKOTBSB
  8. I love cats, but i'll sneeze if i were to play with them =(
  9. I am uncertain of my future yet.. I am hoping that this will change soon
  10. I am a quiet person when you first know me, but when the ice bave been broke, i am a talkative person
  11. I really missed my schooling life.. 
Ella's Questions:
  1. When you are at the worst disaster, I mean problem, who would you choose to be with? Don't know,but never wish to be alone with the disaster, i mean problem.. Allah is the best answer.. "Kepada-Nya(Allah) aku menyembah, dan kepada-Nya(Allah) aku memohon pertolongan"
  2. What would you do before you die? Mengucap dua kalimah Syahadah.. Melafazkan semula kepercayaanku setulus hati sebelum diri berangkat pergi..
  3. Between boys and girls, which one play roles as the best friends? Girls.. Ustaz Khairul ajar, jaga batas pergaulan..
  4. Before you go to sleep every night, who do think of the most? Siapa? Sepatutnya "apa".. Yaya akan berfikir tentang hari esok, apa yg yaya nak buat esok, x pun, refresh memori hari tersebut, atau.... zZzZ(Tertidur tanpa disedari) Apa2 pun, baca doa sebelum tidur dulu...
  5. Do you mad at me because I tag you in this stuff? Honestly? Mad is too much.. I would say, quite irritated, but right now i am enjoying it...
  6. What is your ambition when you were 7? Doctor, teacher, policewoman.. Don't laugh, i was naive back then.. At least i had had ambitions during that time.. Now...
  7. Have you ever rejecting somebody that request to be in relationship with you? If you have, describe how you reject them. Nope.. But when a relationship had been started, its normal to have an awkward moment.. Don't know what to say, don't know what to ask.. just pure silence(hey! i think i can hear the sounds of crickets..)
  8. How often you update your blog? Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Or Annually? Depends.. Whenever i have the mood, idea, and time, i'll update.. During holidays ike today, i try to make it daily..
  9. What is your eye color? Do you think they are lovely? Don't know... But i am really thankful that i have eyes, and they can function well although they have some defects.. My own fault actually..
  10. Do you really care what people think about you? Yes.. Impressions will affect your life..
  11. And lastly, what are you doing right now? Thinking of the answer of the questions and typing them out..
Tagging others..

can i skip this one... Whether i am allowed to do so or not, I'll skip this one..

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